Going through a no book reading, no music journey for a month or two was a difficult saga.Yes a different journey, picking up one book and reading it half way through and switching to the other. Strolling through the book shop ,photographing with my eyes which is in trend. Someone rightly said if you have a garden and a library you have everything.Here I am offering few books which you can devour, yeah non-fiction though. 1. What's Our Problem?- by Tim Urban-Self Help for Societies Tim owns the blog waitbutwhy. The Problem Why do we go back in wisdom, when the stakes are so high and the time is so prosperous? Exponential technology means higher stakes 1.Technology has an exponential pattern. Advanced societies progress in a higher rate than the other less developed societies.It is both good and bad.Tech grows and becomes so powerful,and no matter how it has grown in a good way, the bad takes all over for us. 2. Environment changed faster than the human mind The modern ...